I have been reading so many wonderful devotions lately that I have wanted to write about but have had such little time. So I wanted to share a snipet from a few of them or at least their scripture, all which have come to me at the right time during my life. A great quote by Charles Stanley, "No one gets through life without storms. We are in one, just getting out of one, or about to enter one."
(1 John 1:1-3) - Communion with our Lord~The Word of Life Statue of Grieving Woman

As we open ourselves up to the Lord, He opens up to us. Many times he uses situations and difficulties to get our attention and stimulate our thirst for Him. What appears to us to be a painful or desperate situation is His invitation to draw near. Have you let adversity and failure pull you away from God instead of toward Him? To put distance between you and Jesus, Satan will misuse the very situations that the Lord can utilize to draw you to Himself.
(1 Samuel 1:1-20) Hannah's Example~This is one of my favorite's, I had never heard this story and we can learn 2 things from her: 1. Staying Committed to Family-she displayed godly love by enduring torment by the other women because of her committment to family. 2 things we can learn from Hannah: 1. Communicating Love & Acceptance- She considered Samuel a "gift from the Lord." We have the power to build up our children and our spouses - or tear them down. Through our words of affirmation, prayers, and parental hugs & kisses, we show how much we value them. Some of us live with difficult people. At times we are negatively impacted by the choices they make. God understands your situation just as he was fully aware of Hannah's. Draw close to Him and experience His love & commitment to you. *Then EXPRESS the same to OTHERS.*
"I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life." - John 8:12 I had to write this one down, it is so critical. Most people live trying to make it through life in darkness--spiritual darkness--and much self-inflicted pain and unnecessary falls take place, because most people in the dark feel they're doing fine on their own. But Jesus tells us He is the Light of the World, the enlightment about God, man, and life. Without Him, we are spiritually dark, we keep stumbling, falling, and are filled with frustration. If you turn on the light, really see God, and understand; everything will make sense.
Crisis Equals Danger & Opportunity
"That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." - 2 Corinthians 12:10
"Life is filled with crises. We shouldn’t see them problems, but an opportunities. Opportunities to grow closer to God, to seek His wisdom and strength and in the process and come through a time of danger as a stronger and wiser person, who has risen to the challenge of getting through a crisis.
Are you facing a crisis in your family? In your work? In your life? Remember it’s a dangerous time — a time of great risk. Respond poorly and it can be devastating. But seeing it as an opportunity to seek help from God and how to successfully navigate your way through a mine field of living, can make your life a better life, a more meaningful life than ever before."~Right from the Heart--Bryant Wright
I had to copy that one because it was worded so perfectly.